Deterring fraud by informing the public

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Deterring fraud by informing the public - Round table on anti-fraud communication. Ebook publié par la Commission européenne et disponible sur:

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For this reason it is crucial for law and anti-corruption authorities from all over the EU to share their experiences in such forums, particularly as putting across a positive message about our work is not always easy. We need to constantly communicate that we strive to be professional, impartial and reliable in fighting fraud that harms all citizens.

Looking at the experiences and successes of investigative and law enforcement services from the Member States and candidate countries offers a valuable insight into the ways in which such agencies can adequately inform the public about their activities and, in doing so, actively involve them in the fight against fraud. It also gives an insight into the role that the media play as a vital platform for communication with the public about anti-fraud cases and as a vehicle that can be used to educate citizens about the risks that economic crime poses to them.

The year 2009 marks the 10th anniversary of the creation of OLAF. During the past decade a culture of accountability has developed further within the European institutions and other public administrations. Political leaders and officials are now very sensitive to the need of the public to be informed and assured that malfunctions and fraud are identified eliminated and appropriately punished. Projects like the Round Table on Anti-Fraud Communication foster this spirit and are, at the same time, instrumental in 'deterring fraud by informing the public'. Therefore I am particularly happy that this initiative has now culminated in the third edition of this volume.

Since the last edition, OLAF and its Anti-fraud Communicators' Network (OAFCN) have worked hard to get their message across. Their debates about transparency and media relations as a means of fighting fraud and corruption affecting EU financial interests have contributed to further closing the gap between anti-fraud communicators on one side and journalists on the other. The network's discussions about television drama as a means of fighting fraud and corruption affecting EU financial interests and a seminar on anti-fraud communication and Web 2.0 may well lead to new opportunities for reaching a broader audience directly.

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Editeur : Commission européenne

ISBN : 978-92-79-06047-2

Tags : Commission européenne, lutte anti-fraude, corruption
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