Plant manager (job description)

Publié par : PQB

This document is an example of job description of Plant manager easily modified for your specific needs.

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Job description sheet
Plant manager
This document is part of D 01 Job descriptions pack
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Job description 001
Plant Manager
Department: not applicable (na)
Work place: administration
Reports to: executive director
Under his authority: al services
Working hours: na
Can replace: managers of al departments
Can be replaced by: executive director
Knowledge, skills and abilities
High school diploma or equivalent
One foreign language (written and spoken)
Confirmed management experience
Good computer skil s
Can listen, help, explain, coach, animate, train, coordinate, analyze
Significant knowledge of quality, safety and environment management standards
Can be trusted to keep sensitive information secure
To direct the company to achieve the principal goal: satisfy al interested parties
Duties and responsibilities
Guarantee the business plan and define the objectives to achieve
Coordinate the implementation of the human, material and financial resources to achieve the goals
Regularly fol ow the indicators of efficiency, obtained quality, realized profits and COQ
Manage the departments by control ing the development of competences and permanent progress
Give visibility to his/her col aborators on their future within the company
Conduct interviews, select and hire new managers
Manage official correspondence, media events, marketing and publicity materials
Establish the QSE (Quality, safety, environment) policy and ensure the respect of the commitments taken
towards the interested parties
Maintain a positive community relationship
Ensure the implementation of the training program
Ensure respect to internal directives
Animate the Management Committee - commercial results, provisioning, efficiency, quality (management review),
human relations, design and development, safety, environment
Welcome the customers on the site
Fol ow up the activities of internal audits and their prescribed corrective actions
Represent the company for the external audits of the integrated management system
Take measures to solve the problems to ensure deliveries of perfect quality within the agreed delays
Prepare monthly reports on financial goals, budget execution, business growth, customer satisfaction
Principal rights
Ask and receive al necessary information for the achievement of its duties
Increase its qualification in agreement with the training programme of the company 2/3
The present job description gives a non exhaustive outline of the duties, responsibilities and rights. It does not
describe al the tasks which the employee must achieve. This list can be modified in relation to the concrete
situations and wil be updated periodical y 3/3
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Auteur : PQB

Editeur : PQB

Tags : Job description sheet, Plant manager
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