Core concepts of Marketing

Publié par : Speakup

Document sous licence CC: Core concepts of Marketing. Noted Harvard Professor of Business Theodore Levitt, states that the purpose of all business IS to "find and keep customers." Furthermore, the only way you can achieve this objective is to create a competitive advantage. That is, you must convince buyers (potential customers) that what you have to offer them comes closest to meeting their particular need or want at that point in time. Hopefully, you will be able to provide this advantage consistently, so that eventually the customer will no longer consider other alternatives and will purchase your product out of habit.

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Technology is altering many marketing practices. The World Wide Web. databases, tracking devices, and market simulations are only a few examples of the ways technology has affected marketing strategies. Technology coverage is woven throughout the text, features, and end-of-chapter materials of this book. (Note that because technology is changing so rapidly, it is virtually impossible for a text such as this to remain absolutely current.)

This book demonstrates how companies use marketing. Specific examples appear not only in text discussions, but also in the chapter openers, the Integrated Marketing and Newsline boxes, and the end of chapter cases. Examples and stories bring theory to life, demonstrating the relevance of the reaaing. The example subjects are vivid, current, and varied. They range from Fortune 500 companies to smaller, privately held businesses. The text also focuses on international companies of all sizes.

Time is a precious commodity to instructors and students. Market feedback revealed that instructors want an introductory marketing text that (1) covers the basics well and (2) omits unnecessary detail. Careful seleCtion of topics, appropriate depth of coverage, and concise writing helpcd us meet those two objectives. Instead of the typical 20-25 chapters, this text offers 10 chapters of manageable length.

We introduce several features to reinforce learning and help students build business skills that they can use on tne job. Our comprehensive learning system enables students to master materials quickly and thoroughly. Some features of that system include opening vignettes, performance-basec learning objectives, concept reviews, Integrated Marketing boxes, Newsline boxes, end-of-chapter and end-of chapter cases.

The Instructor's Manual with Test Questions provides helpful teaching ideas, advice on course development, sample assignments and chapter-by-chapter text highlights, learning objectives, lecture outlines, class exercises and more. This manual also includes multiple choices, true/false, and short answer text questions for each chapter.

? Additional online resources are available to instructors via the text web site. These resources include: In Practice for each chapter, which relate directly to the Wall Street ,Journal articles on-line; an interactive Study Guide; interactive web? based cases; on-line chapter summaries; a Reading Room containing on-line articles from the Wall Street Journal, which correlate with key concepts and topics within eacJl chapter of the text; and more.

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Auteur : John Burnett

Tags : Marketing, buyer behavior, communication, product, pricing
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