Le business plan

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Comment réaliser votre business plan. Cours/exemple dispensé à l'Instituto de Empresas. Document sous licence Creative Commons.

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The project will be directed by Maria García, who will act as Product Manager for the production area, an operative who knows the product and the desalting processes, will be appointed to take charge of the plant. He will come from the principal business unit of traditional salted cod. The director of the project and Product Manager will be directly responsible to the General Manager of PESCA NORTE.

In this section should appear the name and address of the projected or already established business, a summary of the business's activity, the date of its constitution, activities or sectors in which it operates, the number of employees, products or services commercialised, etc. Similarly, there should appear in this section, the names and professional records of the business promoters and all those professionals who collaborate in the writing of the Business Plan and in the consequent start-off of the activity.

Reference should be made to the product or service proposed in the Business Plan, the needs it covers, its difference from competitors' products, descriptions of its present use, testimony of present clients of the product, means of protection of and rights over the product or service to be commercialised (patents, brands, anagrams, authorisation formulas, etc) and in the case of a new product, the steps taken to obtain patents or other protection formula whose groundwork has begun or been completed.

Analysis of the competition and its products: the location of our competitors, the characteristics of their products or services, their prices, their quality, the efficiency of their distribution, the service offered, the timing of the product, their market quota or estimated sales volume, their commercial policy, their profitability, and in general all that information that helps our product or service to position itself as well as possible in the market or reference segment.

The information that we are going to collect by carrying out the market study will have a great influence on the drawing up of the different parts of the Business Plan and in many cases, as it is the determining element when analysing the viability of a business project, it may lead to a change of strategy or even to the abandoning of the business idea.

This brief document, which generally is no more than three pages, is a "commercial" requirement, especially when negotiating with potential investors in our business project or equally it can be a communication tool for people responsible in the corporation, financial entities etc.

The Marketing Plan has as objective the fixing of the strategies that allow us to reach the turnover figure in the economic-financial analysis. The Marketing Plan therefore must detail our global marketing strategy that serves to exploit our business opportunity and the advantages inherent in it.

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Auteur : Ignacio de la Vega

Editeur : Instituto de Empresas

Tags : Business plan, guide, cours
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