Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations

Publié par : EDP Sciences

For more than a half-century, Mats Hillert has contributed greatly to the Science of Materials. He is widely known and respected as an innovator and educator, a scientist with an enormous breadth of interest and depth of insight. The difficult choice of twenty-four papers from a publication list of more than three hundred was carried out in consultation with him. He also suggested or approved names of those scientists who would be invited to write brief introductions to each of the papers. A brief reading of the topics of the selected papers and their introductions reveals something of their range and depth. Several early selections - including internal reports of the Swedish Institute for Metal Research, published here in their original shape - contained seminal material that established Mats as a leading figure in the study of phase transformations in solids. Others established his presence in the areas of solidification and computational thermodynamics. This volume represents a judicious sampling only of Mats Hillert's extensive body of work- it is necessarily incomplete, but it is hoped and expected that it will prove useful to students of Material Science and Engineering at all levels, and that it will inspire the further study and appreciation of his many contributions.

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As a professor Mats taught several generations of Swedish metallurgists the most up to date knowledge in the fundamentals of physical metallurgy. He launched the graduate teaching on the subject and acted as the main supervisor of more than 30 doctors which are now active in Swedish industry or academia worldwide.

Mats Hillert is a fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He is also a fellow of ASM International and a Fellow of Met. Soc. AIME (TMS). His list of awards is impressive and includes, to mention only a few, R.F. Mehl medalist (Met. Soc. AIME), Bakhuis Roozeboom Gold Medal (Royal Acad. Netherland), Acta Metallurgica Gold Medal, Murakami Gold Medal (Japan Inst. Metals, Japan), Björkén award (Uppsala University, Sweden), Hume-Rothery Award (TMS, USA).

For over half a century, Mats Hillert has contributed greatly to the science of materials. He is widely known and respected as an innovator and an educator, a scientist with an enormous breadth of interest and depth of insight. In acknowledgment of his many contributions, a conference was held in Stockholm in December 2004 to mark his eightieth birthday.

A brief reading of the topics of the selected papers and their introductions reveals something of their range and depth. Several early selections (for example, those on "The Role of Interfacial Energy during Solid State Phase Transformations", and "A Solid-Solution Model for Inhomogeneous Systems") contained seminal material that established Mats as a leading figure in the study of phase transformations in solids. Others established his presence in the areas of solidification and computational thermodynamics. A review of his full publication list shows that he has consistently built upon those early foundational papers, and maintained a dominant position in those fields. Although many of his contributions have been of a theoretical nature, he has always maintained a close contact with experiment, and indeed, he has designed numerous critical experiments.

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Auteur : HILLERT Mats

Editeur : EDP Sciences

Parution : 2006

ISBN : 9782759802470

Tags : Ebook sciences, ebook scientifique, Thermodynamics, Phase Transformations
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