Quality manager (job description)

Publié par : PQB

This document is an example of job description of Quality manager easily modified for your specific needs.

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Job description 002 Q
Quality manager
Department: quality
Work place: administration
Reports to: plant manager
Under his authority: quality operator
Working hours: 35h, 5 days / week
Can replace: project leader, operator
Can be replaced by: plant manager
Knowledge, skills and abilities
High school diploma or equivalent
One foreign language (written and spoken)
Confirmed quality experience
Good computer skills
Significant knowledge of quality management standards
Can listen, help, explain, coach, animate, train, coordinate, analyze
Can be trusted to keep sensitive information secure
Organize, manage and control the application of the quality management system
Duties and responsibilities
Support the management for the implementation of the quality policy
Develop, coordinate and improve the realization of the quality policy
Make sure regularly that the quality management system is established, implemented, maintained and improved
in compliance with the standards in force
Commit himself permanently in improving the effectiveness of the quality management system
Ensure the respect of the commitment to quality targets - customer ppm (products per million) returns, internal
ppm defects
Be the representative of the direction in front of the customers and be the representative of the customer in the
Control and improve the quality documentary system
Hold up to date the applicable regulatory texts (legal watch)
Coordinate all product quality activities and continual improvement, prepare the management review
Plan and manage the activities of internal and external quality audits
Monitor the preventive and corrective actions
Represent the company for the external audits of the quality management system
Propose and follow up the training program
Manage incoming and online quality inspections
Follow up regularly the obtained quality indicators and promote achievements
Take measures for solving problems so to ensure deliveries with perfect quality within the agreed delays
Communicate in time known information with other departments
Principal rights
Freeze a delivery and/or stop a production if he judges that quality commitment is not respected any more
Ask and receive all necessary information for the achievement of its duties
Stop the use of nonconforming documents with regards to the requirements of the quality management system
Increase its qualification in agreement with the training programme of the company
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The present job description gives a non exhaustive outline of the duties, responsibilities and rights. It does not
describe all the tasks which the employee must achieve. This list can be modified in relation to the concrete
situations and will be updated periodically
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Auteur : PQB

Editeur : PQB

Tags : Job description sheet, Quality manager
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