The Windows 7 Guide - From newbies to pros

Publié par : Julien

There is no disputing that Vista was poorly received. Vista made changes to the file system, user interface and other critical components of the operating system that were essential. Unfortunately, such changes meant that Vista had compatibility problems. The early days of Vista were plagued with complaints about peripherals that no longer worked because there were no Vista drivers available. Some older programs also began to malfunction.

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There are more than a few people who are unhappy with Microsoft's decision to make Windows 7 Starter the default operating system for netbooks. As you can see in the above table, it is actually less functionality than Windows XP in several ways. You can at least personalize your netbook with XP, but with Starter you're stuck with the default settings.

Windows 7 Starter aside, the break-down between Windows 7 versions makes a lot of sense. Vista offered both a Home Basic and Home Premium version. The differences between these were a bit confusing, and Home Basic was more basic than you'd expect from a supposedly complete operating system. Windows 7 Home Premium, however, has everything that a home user is going to need with the possible exception of the XP compatibility mode, a feature we'll talk about more in the next chapter.

As mentioned earlier, Windows 7 is not dramatically different from Windows Vista. This can be revealed by looking at the version numbers of each operating system. Windows Vista's latest release has the version number 6.0, while Windows 7 has the version number of 6.1. This indicates that, certain new features and changes aside, the underlying code of Windows Vista and Windows 7 are very similar.

This is good news if you are migrating from Vista, because it means you'll have virtually no software compatibility issues to worry about. While it is certainly possible that there is a Vista program somewhere in the universe that absolutely won't work on Windows 7, I have never heard of this occurring. If a program runs on Windows Vista, it should run on Windows 7.

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Auteur : Matt Smith -

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Tags : Guide, Windows
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