The Busy Coder's Guide to Advanced Android Development

Publié par : Kapten

The Busy Coder's Guide to Advanced Android Development. Document under CC licence.

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If you come to this book having learned about Android from other sources, thanks for joining the CommonsWare community! Android, while aimed at small devices, is a surprisingly vast platform, making it difficult for any given book, training, wiki, or other source to completely cover everything one needs to know. This book will hopefully augment your knowledge of the ins and outs of Android-dom and make it easier for you to create "killer apps" that use the Android platform.

If you picked this book up expecting to learn those topics, you really need another source first, since this book focuses on other topics. While we are fans of The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development, there are plenty of other books available covering the Android basics, blog posts, wikis, and, of course, the main Android site itself. A list of currently-available Android books can be found on the Android Programming knol.

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Auteur : Mark L. Murphy

Tags : Développement, coding, Android
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